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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Your baby food allergies?

On entering the age of six months, your baby will need extra food for the growing. This is because breast milk is only about 60% meet their needs. The first feeding for the baby you should be healthy food, rich in energy and nutrients, but still the aspect of hygiene, safety and presentation.
However, the baby's digestive system is still sensitive. For this reason, the baby may have allergies when eating certain foods.

Allergic reaction

Allergies in infants can be vomiting or nausea to diarrhea. Therefore need to watch out for when the baby has vomiting or diarrhea can make a baby suffering from dehydration. Babies who tend to be fussy allergy, pain in the abdomen and pulled out the wind. Other symptoms that often arises is the presence of skin rash, irritation and red spots that arise around the knees, elbows and face. The swelling and itching at the baby's cheek, mouth and lips to make the baby uncomfortable and often cry. Symptoms usually appear some time after consuming food allergens. This is the reaction of the immune system by releasing antibodies to reject foreign material that is not recognized.

Handling of allergic

Cut your intake of foods that can cause allergies suspect. Give milk or breast milk to babies. For food, they could be truly safe. Immediately contact your family doctor if symptoms of allergy in your baby. Watch your diet that give the baby, try to remember what foods have you added during few today. Further handling of such treatment may be necessary to prevent allergy continues.

The following is a list of foods that may cause allergies in your baby:
1. Seafood (oysters, shrimp, oysters, and all types of fish)
2. Nuts
3. Cheese
4. Egg white, egg yolk or both

If we want to provide healthy foods to babies, try little by little to make it easier to know what foods are suitable for your baby.

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